The District Diary ~ Edition 18 ~ Easter 2024
The Ancient & Accepted Rite

District of Worcestershire
The District Diary ~ Edition 18 ~ Easter 2024
This District Diary is for distribution by the Chapter Recorder to all Chapter members either by email or sent as hard copy by post.
- Introduction

V\ Ill\ Bro. Ian M Fothergill 33°
“Progress is impossible without change, and those who cannot change their minds cannot change anything.” George Bernard Shaw.
This oft quoted phrase is particularly relevant to our Order at this historical time in its development, following the introduction of the Revised Ritual and requirements for membership effective from 1st March.
For me personally the last few months have been most memorable, and I am extremely grateful for the excellent support I received from Evesham Chapter No. 994, the other Chapters in the District and all the Visitors who attended my Installation as Inspector General for the District of Worcestershire on Friday 2nd February.
Prior to that time, I had enjoyed the privilege of visiting a number of Chapters and imparting some information on the amendments being made and I am delighted that the Worcester Section of the MRCCI, under the direction of the Preceptor, Ill Bro. Charles Dyer, 32o, have accepted the challenge of demonstrating and providing a commentary of the Perfection Ceremony in part at the Worcestershire Chapter on Monday 25th March at Halesowen, and then in full at St. Francis of Assisi Chapter at Kings Heath in April and St. Ann of Malvern Chapter at Worcester in May.
I hope that every member will attend one of these presentations with their new 2024 books to follow and understand the amendments that have been made.
Finally, may this holy holiday keep misfortunes away from you and bring you good health, joy, love, and more true friends.
God bless you all.
- Supreme Council
It was a wonderful day for Ill. Bro’s Charles Dyer and Vivian Fogarty, accompanied by the Inspector General Designate and Ill. Bro. Maurice Hume, 32o, when visiting the Grand East on Wednesday 31st January for them to be invested with their 32o.

A fitting testimony to them for their loyal and faithful service to the Order in general and the District of Worcestershire in particular.
This was followed by Ill. Bro. Trevor Still receiving his 30o on Tuesday 13th February. This being a delayed investiture from last summer due to him being abroad.
We also had the announcement in the middle of January, that the 2024 Ritual Books where available to order from Supreme Council with a discounted 20% offer for Orders of 10 books or more.
Friday 1st March saw the introduction of the revised ritual and the Inspector General, District Recorder and Ill. Bro. Gordon Stacey visited Bombay Chapter No. 18 in the District of Berkshire to witness the historical moment when a Sikh member of the Province was Perfected in a ceremony with 110 members in attendance, including the Most Puissant Sovereign Grand Commander, the M. Ill. Grand Prior and 7 current and Past Inspectors General. All the work bar the Accolade and Third Point was conducted by the 18o members of the Chapter. The Candidate is the Provincial Grand Charity Steward for the Province so a very fitting non-Christian Freemason to be the first to be admitted into our Order within this Constitution.
- The District
On Friday 2nd February the District were honoured to receive eight members of the Supreme Council including the Sovereign Grand Commander and Grand Secretary General for the Installation of our Inspector General.
Number 1 Lodge Room at Kings Heath had some 100 members of the Order in attendance to witness the ceremony and afterwards 81 members dined in fine style in the main dining room.
Following the Sovereign Grand Commander’s Toast to our newly Installed Inspector General and presentation of an inscribed polished pewter box.

He, in his response, presented two of Worcestershire’s best-known products of Worcester Sauce and Evesham design Worcester Porcelain to the Sovereign Grand Commander and Grand Secretary General.
The MRCCI presentations of the Ceremony of Perfection have already been mentioned and it is hoped that as many members as possible will attend one of the three venues to witness and gain an understanding of the amendments to some of the wording made in that ceremony.
The King Edward VIIth Chapter of Improvement will be presenting the 17th Degree, The Knight of the East & West, on Wednesday 17th July at Kings Heath.
Further details and booking forms will be issued in due course.
These presentations are always excellently presented and certainly provide a “daily advancement in Masonic knowledge”.

In Memorium
It is with great sadness that we record the passing to the Grand Chapter Above of six of our well-know brethren:
III\Bro A Jinks 31° – October 2023
III\Bro D W Old 31° – December 2023
III\Bro J C Jones 30° – December 2023
III\Bro P T Griffiths 30° – December 2023
III\Bro M J Bartels 30° – January 2024
III\Bro P M Woodward 30° – March 2024
- Chapters

Northfield Chapter RC No 1022
Monday 8th January 2024 saw the first meeting of the District for 2024 at Northfield Chapter No 1022. The Most Wise Sovereign opened the Chapter after which he gave a demonstration of the Intermediate Degrees.
The Inspector General Designate in Charge then presented a Supreme Council Certificate to E&P Bro C Overall 18° in a most delightful and enjoyable manner.
A ballot was then held and E&P Bro N Nichols 18° became a Joining Member of the Chapter.
Before the Risings, the Inspector General Designate took the opportunity of addressing the Chapter and provided an open, honest and frank explanation of the changes that we are about to see in the Order. A Q&A session took place and the Chapter thanked the Inspector General Designate for his explanation.
The Most Wise Sovereign closed the Chapter and the rest of the evening spent in Harmony and Brotherly Love in the dining room.

St Dunstan Chapter RC No 12
The Chapter held their first meeting of 2024 on Wednesday 10th January 2024. The Most Wise Sovereign opened the Chapter and shortly after opening a ballot took place for a Candidate for Perfection. The ballot proving in favour of the Candidate, Bro William J Hoe was Perfected in an excellent ceremony with the MWS and his Generals delivering assured performances of their ritual.
During the First Risings, the Inspector General Designate took the opportunity of addressing the Chapter explaining the changes that are we about to see in the Order. A Q&A session took place and the Chapter thanked the Inspector General Designate for the informed presentation.
The Most Wise Sovereign closed the Chapter in and everyone retired from the Chapter and the rest of the evening spent in Harmony and Brotherly Love and enjoyed a super dinner. E&P Bro Hoe received a lovely explanation of the Fire used in this Degree by the Prelate.

Gervase Paganel Chapter RC No 316
A meeting of the Gervase Paganel Chapter RC No 316 was held on Thursday 18th January 2024. The Chapter was opened by the IPS in a most delightful manner in the unfortunate absence of the MWS.
The main items on the Agenda was to elect the MWS and Treasurer for the ensuing year.
The Inspector General Designate then presented a Supreme Council Certificate to E&P Bro Rob Crew in his own inspiring and interesting way.
During the 1st Rising the Inspector General Designate again provided an explanation of the changes to our Order as from 1st March 2024. A Q&A session took place and the MWS in the Chair thanked him for addressing the Chapter in such a reassuring way.
The remainder of the business for the good of the Chapter or the advancement of the Rite was completed, and the Third Point was carried out by the MWS in the Chair in another delightful and impressive manner.
After the closing of the Chapter, the Prelate gave a most interesting and informative presentation of his many and varied collection of masonic jewels and other masonic artefacts which was very well received by all the brethren.

Bordesley Abbey Chapter RC No 918
The Chapter held the first Regular meeting of the new year on Monday 22nd January 2024.
with 12 members of the Order present, including the Inspector General Designate.
The main labour of the evening was the Perfection of Bro Daren Field which proved to be a very well conducted Ceremony. Particularly worthy of mention was the delivery of the Intermediate Degrees by E& P Bro Steven Roadley, and the MWS did a first class job in conducting the remainder of the Ceremony. Ill Bro Derek Taylor presented the Collar, Jewel and Signs in his own inimitable fashion.
Due to numbers, there was no Refectory, but the small group enjoyed a very pleasant Curry in an Indian Restaurant close by.
All in all a first class Rose Croix evening.

St Mary & All Saints Chapter RC No 688
The Chapter held their first Regular meeting of the new year on Monday 25th January 2024.
Immediately after opening the Chapter Eulogies were given in respect of III Bro J C Jones 30°, and III Bro M J Bartels 30°.
The main items on the Agenda was to elect the MWS and Treasurer for the ensuing year.
Once again at the first rising, the Inspector General Designate gave details of the forthcoming changes within the Order which was very well received.

St. Nicolas Chapter RC No 198
The Chapter held the first Regular meeting of the new year on Friday 26th January 2024.
After opening the Chapter and approving the Minutes, the main item on the Agenda was to hold comprehensive discussion regarding the immediate future and meeting options for the Chapter and the election of Officers for the May meeting.
The Immediate Past Sovereign closed the Chapter and the rest of the evening spent in Harmony and Brotherly Love in the dining room.

St. Francis of Assisi Chapter RC No 711
The Chapter held their first Regular meeting of the new year on Saturday 27th January 2024.
Immediately after opening the Chapter Eulogies were given in respect of III Bro Allan Jinks 31°, and III Bro David William Old 31°.
A very interesting and informative paper entitled ‘Grand Patrons of the Order’ was given by V III Bro S W Fowler 33°, Inspector General for the District of Warwickshire and a Past Sovereign of the Chapter.
The Most Wise Sovereign closed the Chapter and the rest of the afternoon spent in Harmony and Brotherly Love in the dining room.

Oldswinford Chapter RC No 908
Thursday 1st February 2024. With some 20 members in attendance including the IG Designate, the Chapter were once again able to conduct a Perfection Ceremony to receive W. Bro. Mark Thevassayan Halliah, the son of Stanley Halliah who joined the Chapter last December.
It is perhaps interesting to note that in both the Craft and Royal Arch it was Mark who introduced his father.
The MWS and members of the Chapter once again conducted a first-class ceremony, following which the annual Elections took place and E&P Bro John G. Randle, 18° was declared as MWS Designate.
On completion of the Third Point the members retired to the Refectory to enjoy another of their preferred very good “Black Country” meals of Soup, followed by Faggots, Mushy Peas, and Chips.
It was another excellent evening of Rose Croix Masonry.

Evesham Chapter RC No 994 Emergency Meeting
An Emergency meeting of Evesham Chapter was held at the Kings Heath Freemason’s Hall on Friday, 2nd February 2024, commencing at 1200 hrs.
The meeting was held for the Installation of V\III\Bro I M Fothergill 33° as the Inspector General for the District of Worcestershire under the banner of Evesham Chapter Rose Croix No 994.
The Most Wise Sovereign, Chapter and District was honoured to receive eight members of the Supreme Council including the Sovereign Grand Commander and Grand Secretary General, accompanied by over 100 members of the Order.
A magnificent and generous Alms collection of £363.20 was thankfully received and will be faithfully applied.
Due to the many members present, the Third Point had to be restricted and the Grand Director of Ceremonies invited all members of Evesham Chapter, Sovereign Grand Inspectors General, the Provincial Grand Master, and Sovereigns of other Chapters to accompany members of the Supreme Council. The Grand Secretary General H.E. conducted the Third Point in a delightful manner using the 2024 Ritual.
The Chapter was closed and the MWS and Visitors retired from the Chapter and the rest of the afternoon was spent in Harmony and Brotherly love at lunch with 81 diners enjoying an excellent meal.
The Installation ceremony was Rose Croix at its finest.

St Ann of Malvern Chapter RC No 606
On Tuesday 27th February 2024 with some 17 members in attendance including the Inspector General and District Recorder, the Chapter held it annual ‘business’ meeting which saw the Most Wise Sovereign (MWS) elected to remain in the Chair for a second year.
Having been declared as the MWS, III\Bro Maurice Hume 32°, then presented a magnificent MWS Jewel to the Chapter.

The Inspector General was then requested to present it to the MWS and in doing so gave a brief presentation of III\Bro Maurice’s masonic career, with particular reference that whilst he had recently joined, he had in fact re-joined the Chapter he had been Perfected into on the 11th January 1976.
An additional item on the Agenda was an interesting and informative presentation by the Inspector General entitled ‘TheWords of the 18°.’
On completion of the Third Point, members retired for dinner which included a delightful cold meats, salad and hot new potatoes, followed by a raspberry tart and ice cream.
A lovely, relaxed, and enjoyable meeting in very good company.

Halesowen Chapter RC No 615
On Monday 4th March 2024 the Inspector General and District Recorder enjoyed a very entertaining and relatively short meeting.
As an additional item on the Agenda, the Inspector General presented the Chapter with a transcript of all the changes contained in the 2024 Ritual. An excellent presentation indeed.
On completion of the Third Point the members retired to the Refectory to enjoy another fine dinner.

Northfield Chapter RC No 1022
Monday 11th March 2024, the Inspector General and District Recorder received a warm welcome to the Chapter for their annual ‘business’ meeting. E&P Bro M Gohil 18° was elected as the MWS, and E&P Bro J Pegler re-elected as Treasurer for the ensuing year.
Ill\Bro A Bretherton 30° had the honour and pleasure of presenting the Immediate Past Sovereign Jewel to III\Bro J Pritchard 30°.
On completion of the Third Point and after closing the Chapter, E&P Bro J Pegler 18° delivered a most interesting and comprehensive talk entitled ‘In the Beginning’which was very enjoyable indeed.
The rest of the evening spent in Harmony and Brotherly Love in the dining Room whilst enjoying a most delightful evening meal.

St Edmund King & Martyr No 730
Tuesday 12th March 2024, the Inspector General and District Recorder once again received a very warm welcome to the Chapter.
A relatively short meeting with the main item on the Agenda being a presentation by the Inspector General representing all the changes contained in the 2024 Ritual. An excellent and reassuring presentation indeed.
Sadly, a Notice of Motion was given that due to circumstances, the Chapter intends to surrender its Warrant and to dispose of its Assets.
On completion of the Third Point, the MWS closed the Chapter and the rest of the evening spent in Harmony and Brotherly Love at dinner.

Merston Culy Chapter RC No 1022
Friday 22nd March 2024, the Inspector General and District Recorder were warmly welcomed to the Chapter for their Enthronement meeting.
The whole meeting was conducted in a most efficient manner and in such an enjoyable atmosphere using the 2024 Ritual throughout, and thus becoming first Chapter in the District of Worcestershire to carry out an Enthronement with the ‘new ritual’. The evening was all the more enjoyable given the sincere courage and dedication of the incoming Most Wise Sovereign, E&P Bro Ed Baker 18°, especially so soon after his recent road traffic accident.
On completion of the Enthronement, the Inspector General gave another of his inspiring talks to the Chapter reference the adoption and consolidation of the 2024 Ritual.
A delightful meal followed completing a super evening.

Worcestershire Chapter RC No 970
A ‘bumper’ attendance at the Worcestershire Chapter No 970 on Monday 25th March 2024 saw III Bro M Hardeman 30°, Enthroned as the Most Wise Sovereign. A very special moment for the newly enthroned MWS as his father was a Founder of the chapter and himself the MWS Chapter in 1990/1991.
III Bro G Jinks 31°, enthronement his successor in a very accomplished manner and with great pride.
After the MWS appointed and invested his officers, V III Bro Ian M Fothergill 33°, Inspector General for the District of Worcestershire presented a Long Service Certificate to III Bro Michael Birt Simpson 32° acknowledging his 50 years of long, loyal, and distinguished service to our wonderful Order of the Ancient & Accepted Rite. A truly proud moment for III Bro Michael who was so thankful for the honour and was then greeted with a huge and very well-deserved round of applause.
The next item on the Agenda was a presentation by the Midlands Rose Croix Chapter of Improvement (MRCCI) team demonstrating the Perfection ceremony as per the 2024 Ritual. This was very well received by all present, and highlighted that the changes were hardly noticeable.
Following the remainder of the business for the Chapter and conducting the Third Point, the MWS closed the Chapter the brethren retired to the Refectory to enjoy a hearty meal in Harmony and Brotherly Love.

Evesham Chapter RC No 994
On Thursday 28th March 2024 the Chapter held its annual ‘business’ meeting.
The Inspector General was warmly welcomed into the Chapter by the MWS who, with due respect to his obligation, offered the Inspector General his Chair and Baton. The Inspector General very politely declined the kind offer, and returned the Baton saying that there was work to be done, and that the MWS was better suited than he to carry this work out.
The Inspector General then gave grateful thanks to the Chapter, MWS and the Recorder in particular, for the excellence of the organisation, smooth running and superb support provided by the members at his Installation on Friday 2nd February 2024. He also said that they were the cornerstone for ensuring it was such a wonderful day enjoyed by so many, and one he will never forget.
Immediately after opening the Chapter observed a moment’s reflection given in respect of former member, III Bro Peter Griffiths 30°.
Members were very pleased to ballot for and welcome the return of III Bro Steve Tugwell 30°, to the Chapter.
Using the 2024 Ritual, the MWS, E&P Bro S Brotherton gave a demonstration of the First & Second Points, and the Second General E&P Bro S Hillard, the Collar & Signs. A very accomplished and impressive demonstration indeed by both of them.
The Inspector General then had the pleasure of presenting a Supreme Council certificate to the newest member of the Chapter, E&P Bro T McMillan 18°.
On completion of the Third Point and closing the Chapter, members retired to the Refectory to enjoy a super meal provided by the new caterers.
Dates for your Diary

Midlands Rose Croix Chapter of Improvement
The Midlands Rose Croix Chapter of Improvement (MRCCI) will be presenting the Perfection Ceremony as per the 2024 Ritual at the following three Rose Croix Chapter meetings:
1. Worcester Chapter No 970 at Halesowen on MON 25 MAR 24.
2. St Francis of Assisi Chapter No 711 at Kings Heath on SAT 27 APR 24.
3. St Ann of Malvern Chapter No 606 at Rainbow Hill on WED 01 MAY 24.
Members of all ranks are cordially invited to attend any of these meetings. Please bring your Ritual Books with you to follow the delivery of the presentation.
Further details will follow with each host Chapter Summons including booking details.

70 Year Certificate in Craft Masonry W Bro Maurice Hume
On Monday 8th April 2024 III\Bro Maurice Hume 32°, will receive a Long Service certificate acknowledging his 70 Years long, loyal, and distinguished service to Freemasonry.
The presentation will take place at the Lodge of Semper Fidelis No 529, meeting at Rainbow Hill, Worcester, WR3 8LX.
There are many members of Rose Croix, Craft and Holy Royal Arch that will have known Maurice for many, many years and how wonderful it will be if we could fill the room to further acknowledge his remarkable, unique achievement.
Further details can be obtained by contacting the Lodge Secretary W Bro Simon Dupernex, at

Church of the Holy Sepulchre at Jerusalem
Editors Footnote: If anyone has an item they believe to be of interest please forward it to the District Recorder; Ill\Bro. Lindsay (Taff) Hill 30°, use the |
Easter Greetings
To you and your families
Ian & Irene Fothergill
Lindsay (Taff) & Donna Hill
Mon, 11th December 2023
District Diary Edition 17 Christmas 2003

Sat, 9th December 2023
A Rose Croix Feast at Oldswinford Chapter
A momentoue meeting of the Chapter took place on Thursday 7th December when the Chapter welcomed the IG Designate together with the. Grand Treasurer General H.E. M. Ill. Bro. Gareth Jones, OBE 33o and a Past IG of the District, V. Ill. Bro. Dr. Richard N Hoare,33o.
The agenda saw ballots for a Joinijng member and for a Candidate for Perfection W. Bro. A.Jaspar. Both proved clear and there followed an excellent Perfection ceremony.
At the 1st Risings the Grand Treasurer General gave a short presentation on the changes being made to our Order to become effective on 1st March 2024. He then took questions before he conducted the Third Point. After the meeting closed he continued to answer private queries raised independently by members, which he continued to do at the Dinner Table, before concluding with a final response to the Toast to The Supreme Council, 33o
There is no doubt that the GTG’s presence and his open and forthroight manner provided an excellent explanation of the forward development of our Order and his attendance added significant added value to what was a first class evening of Rose Croix nasonry.
Sun, 3rd December 2023
Superb Saints Day Celebration
On our Order’s Saints Day, St. Andrews Day, Thursday 30th November, the Inspector General Designate in Charge, in company with the District Recorder and Ill. Bro. Maurice Hume, 32o visited our Districts Nonogenarian, Ill. Bro. Allan Laidlaw, 32o to present Allan with his 50 Years of Service Certificate to the Ancient and Accpeted Rite, at his Residential Care Home, Fernhill House.

Ill. Bro’s Allan and Maurice were Founders of St. Theodore Chapter No. 887 and formerly, and since that Chapter’s Closure, returned to their original Chapter, St. Ann of Malvern, No. 606. the Cahpter in which Allan was Perfected.
Ill Bro’s Allan and Maurice were also responsible, with the guidance and assistance of the Past Inspector General, V, Ill, Bro, Dr, Richard N, Hoare,33o, in producing the MWS Banners for St. Dunstan and St. Theodore Chapters and with the Districts help then dedicated at a special ceremony conducted by the then Grand Prelate, Revd.Dr. John Railton,33o
It was an excellent afternoon where the Care Home staff could not have been more helpful.
Sun, 19th November 2023
Recent Chapter Evente within the District
Their have been 3 Chapters Meetinbg in the last few weeks.
1. St Dunstan Chapter – Held a Regular Meeting on Wednesday 25th October at Rainbow Hill with some 19 members of the Order in attendance.
After Opening the Chapter the District Recorder gave a Eulogy in respect of Ill. Bro. W. A. B. Sherlock, 32o who had only recently become a member of the Chapter and due to ill health had not had the opportunity to attend a meeting.
2. Halesowen Chapter – On Monday 6th Novemeber the Chapter held their Enthronement Meeting which saw Ill. Bro. Godfrey Harper, 31o once again Enthroned into a Rose Croix Chapter Chair. The ceremony was well conducted and the support given by members of St. Edmund Kind and Martyr Chaper ensured that all offices were filled.
Following the Third point the brethren retired to enjoy a very convivial meal.
3. St. Edmund KIng & Martyr Chapter – On Tuesday 14th November the Chapter were pleased to welcome the former District Recorder, Ill. Bro. Ian Fothergill, 32o in his new position as Inspector General Designate in Charge to witness the Enthronement of Ill. Bro. Paul Woodward, 30o once into the Chair of the Chapter. Ill. Bro. Paul has shown true grit and determination in taking on this task for another year given his medical condition but his determination has enthused the members of the Chapter to give hi, their whole hearted support.
Once again the inter-visitation that takes place between Halesowen and St. Ed’s ensured that every Office was filled and assisted in ensuring that avery good ceremony could take place.
On completion of the Third Point the brethren retired to enjoy a very good dinner which brought to an end an excellent evening of Rose Croix Masonry.
Sun, 12th November 2023
New News Item
Brethren all,
May I please request that the members of the Order in the District of Worcestershire use my E Mail address for communication known to you all in regard to comments, rather than the Guestbook, following the announcement from Supreme Council 33o issued on Friday 10th November and the Letter of Resignation from our Inspector General sent out today and dated 11th November.
Arrangements are being made to hold a further meeting following last night’s Zoom to fully explain What and Why changes to our membership requirements and ritoal are being introduced. Ian M Fothergill, 31o,District Recorder, Worcestershire
Sun, 22nd October 2023
Exceptional Event at Evesham Chapter No. 994
On Thursday 19th October some 29 members of the Order met at Swan Lane, Evesham to celebrate their 100th Meeting.
They were delighted to welcome one of their Founders, Ill. Bro. Malcolm Wilson, 30o and one of their Honorary Members, V:.Bro. Dr. Richard N Hoarem 33o the Past Inspector General for the District,
The meeting then witnessed the Perfection of Bro. Trevor McMillan, which was conducted to a very high standard, on completion of which the District Recorder presented a Enthronement Certificate to E&P Bro. Stan Brotherton, 18o the MWS.
On completion of the Third Point and closure of the Chapter the brethren retired to enjoy a very well presented, enjoyable and convivial meal to conclude an excellent evening of Rose Croix Freemasonry.
Thu, 5th October 2023
Ill. Bro. Allan Jinks, 31*
It is with great sadness that we report the Passing to the Grand Chapter Above of Ill. Bro. Allan Jinks, 31o aged 95,on Wednesday 4th October following a long and debilitating illness.
Ill.Bro. Allan was well known throughout the District and was a very proud holder of a 50 Year Certiciate for services rendered to the Ancient and Accepted Rite.
To his wife Elizabeth, brother Gerry, 31o nephew Simon, 30o and all the family we send our heartfelt condoleces.
May he Rest in Peace & Rise in Glory
Thu, 28th September 2023
Promotion to the 32nd Degree
On Saturday 23rd September the Inspector General announced that Ill. Bro. Vivian Fogarty, 31o has been notified that he is to be Promoted to the 32o and Invested at the Higher Degrees Meeting in January along with Ill. Bro. Charles Dyer 31o.
The District offers its Congratulations to Ill. Bro. Vivian.