On Saturday 5th October 2024, Worcestershire Chapter 970 hosted the first ‘District Annual Meeting’ at Rainbow Hill Freemasons Hall, and what a day to remember.
Ill\Bro Martyn Hardeman, the MWS, opened the Chapter and awaited the DC to instruct the brethren to rise to receive the M\Ill\Bro The Rev’d Dr S A Thorn 33°, Grand Prior, accompanied by the Inspectors General for Worcestershire; Gloucester & Herefordshire; and South Wales & Monmouthshire. Not forgetting of course that the Inspector General for Warwickshire, V\Ill\Bro Stephen Fowler 33°, being a member and 2nd General of the Chapter. All four IG’s were also accompanied by their respective District Recorders.
It has all the ingredients to be a great morning and afternoon!!!
After welcoming the Grand Prior and all the other visitors, the MWS invited the Inspector General, V\Ill\Bro Ian Fothergill 33°, to occupy the Chair. A eulogy was then given by the MWS in respect of Ill\Bro Jonathan Swift 30°, who had sadly passed to the Grand Chapter Above since our last meeting. The Inspector General then asked the District Recorder to read the names of those brethren in the District who had Passed to the Grand Chapter Above during the period 1st July 2023 and 30th September 2024. The Prelate then recited a solemn prayer for the departed brethren whilst the Organist played ‘The Day thou Gavest’ quietly in the background.
After confirming and approving the Minutes of the previous meeting, the Minutes were duly signed by the IG, Grand Prior and the MWS.
The IG requested that the Muster Roll of all Chapters were present, and the DR was pleased to confirm that all Chapters in the District were indeed represented.
The DR then presented an annual report which included details of all District Perfections, Resignations, recipients of 50 Year certificates and all the ‘special events’ during the period 1st July 2023 and 30thSeptember 2024.
After handing the Chair back to the MWS, the IG asked the DR to name all those who were promoted to the Higher Degrees between 1st July 2023 and 30th September 2024. As the DR called out their names, the brethren fell into line in the north and the IG, escorted by the DC, congratulated each and every brother individually and shook their hands.
The MWS continued with the Agenda and last, but certainly not least, announced the highlight of the day – a presentation by the M\Ill\Bro The Rev’d Dr S A Thorn 33°, Grand Prior entitled ‘1786 and all that’. The talk was beautifully constructed, entertaining and so informative which was just what everyone needed to fully appreciate the recent changes to our ritual. The Chapter then gave a resounding vote of thanks to the Grand Prior. I am sure the contents of the talk continued in all our minds on the journey home.
The IG conducted the Third Point and the MWS closed the Chapter and everyone retired to the refectory for prosecco & orange Juice reception before settling down to a delightful lunch. The IG had great pleasure in presenting the Grand Prior with a large bottle of Worcestershire’s finest, and a set of six Royal Worcester Evesham Gold porcelain napkin rings as a token of his thanks.

What a fantastic meeting!!!