The Chapter met on Friday 28th February 2025 for an enjoyable meeting indeed. The MWS, Ill Bro Stephen Middleditch 31°, welcomed the Inspector General into the Chapter and offered him his Chair & Baton to which the IG politely declined. The MWS Opened the Chapter and warmly welcomed the Visitors.
The Minutes of the previous meeting were relayed to those present by the Recorder and were duly approved by the members and signed for by the MWS and IG respectively.
The members of the Chapter then elected the MWS Ill Bro Stephen Middleditch 31°, to remain ‘in the Chair’ for the ensuing year, and the current Treasurer E&P Bro Emerson Holder 18°, to also continue as the Treasurer (which he will be delighted to learn when he returns from his holidays)…….
The MWS then gave an interesting talk from a paper written by Ill Bro Matthew Christmas, a Past MWS of the Grand Metropolitan Chapter of Princes Rose Croix of Heredom. His writings provide an explanation of the 18° of the Ancient & Accepted Rite. Its content include The History and Origins; The Supreme Council; Emblems of the Order; and Why seek Perfection? The MWS chose this paper as it is rather fitting topic following some recent difficult times within our beautiful Order, reminding us of ‘why did I join Rose Croix’, and ‘what does it mean to me’.
The MWS talk led fittingly into another talk from the Inspector General on the background to the recent changes to the Ritual, and subsequent implications for members. This talk once again very well received, and led to an interesting question & answer session.
Upon completing the Third Point, the MWS closed the Chapter, and the rest of the evening spent in Harmony and Brotherly Love in the Refectory to enjoy a hearty dinner if fish & chips.
Next meeting (Enthr) – Fri 28th October 25.