Northfield Chapter RC No 1022

On Monday 10th March 2025 , 8 members of the Chapter plus 4 Visitors including the Inspector General and the District Recorder attended Northfield Freemasons Hall for the Business Meeting of the Chapter. 

Due to reasons beyond his control and with the severe meteorological conditions ’Down Under’, the MWS was unable to return to the UK in time to attend the meeting. The Chair was very comfortably occupied by Ill Bro John Pritchard 30°, who looked and felt very ‘at home’ indeed. However, despite his best efforts, he was unable tempt the IG to retain the Baton when offered to him!!!

After Opening the Chapter, the Minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed by the members of the Chapter. The IG then had the pleasure of presenting a Supreme Council Certificate to E&P Bro Lawrence Wood 18°, who was Perfected into the Chapter at their last meeting in January. 

Ill Bro Martyn Hardeman 30°, was then declared the MWS elect for the ensuing year, and E&P Bro John Peglar 18°, declared the Treasurer for the ensuing year, both of whom graciously accepted the confidence that the brethren showed.  

The next two items on the Agenda were to receive an exceptionally interesting and informative paper from E&P Bro John Peglar 18°, who captivated the audience with his knowledge of ‘The Five Noble Orders of Architecture’, followed by an equally interesting and informative talk from the IG on our beautiful Order in particular. Both Papers very well received indeed.

On completion of the Third Point the Chapter was Closed and the Brethren retired to enjoy an exceptionally good 3 course evening meal in the Refectory.

All in all, a very enjoyable evening.

Next meeting – Monday 9th June 2025.
