Northfield Chapter RC No 1022

Some 12 members of the Order which included the Inspector General and 1 Visitor attended Northfield Freemasons Hall for the Regular January Meeting of the Chapter on Monday 13th January.

On this occasion it was a Perfection Ceremony to welcome E & P Bro. Lawrence J C Wood into our Order.

Due to unforeseen circumstances following the MWS having been injured in an accident in Australia, the Chair was taken by the Chapter Almoner, Ill Bro. John Pritchard, 30°, with the ceremony being conducted by the Chapter Recorder and Inspector General, with the Visitor acting as Rafael. The Marshal also deserves a mention for the very good work he conducted including the explanation of the Collar, Jewel & Signs.

On completion of the Third Point the Chapter was closed and the Brethren retired to enjoy an exceptionally good evening meal in the Refectory.

Whilst the numbers were small it was a most enjoyable Rose Croix evening.

Next meeting – Monday 10th March 2025.
