On Friday 2nd February some 100+ members, including the Sovereign Grand Commander and 7 members of the Supreme Council, 33° of the Ancient and Accepted Rite (Rose Croix), mustered in Number One Lodge Room at Kings Heath, under the Banner of Evesham Chapter No.994, for the Installation of V\Ill\ Bro. Ian M Fothergill 33°, as the Inspector General for the District of Worcestershire.
The Most Wise Sovereign of Evesham Chapter, E & P Bro. Stan Brotherton, 18° Opened the Meeting, the Dispensation was read, and The Sovereign Grand Commander, Most\Puissant\Brother John Boyington, CBE, 33° and his team entered in procession under the leadership of the Grand Director of Ceremonies and duly opened a Supreme Council Chapter. An escort was formed to conduct the Inspector General Designate in Charge into the room and the Sovereign Grand Commander, and his team conducted the ceremony of Installation in their own immaculate way.
Following the Installation the Grand Secretary General conducted the Third Point on conclusion of which the members of the Supreme Council, the visiting eight Inspectors General and the new incumbent retired. The Chapter was closed, and some 80 members retired to the Refectory for a first-class Lunch. The new Inspector General was presented with an embossed and engraved pewter box by the Sovereign Grand Commander and in addition a magnificent glass Ghurkha Kukri filled with Gurkhali Rum was presented to him by Ill\Bro. Maurice Hume, 32°

In response to his Toast, the Inspector General presented the Sovereign Grand Commander and the Grand Secretary General with two of Worcestershire’s finest products, a bottle of the Provincial Sauce and an Evesham Design piece of Worcester Porcelain.
It was a truly remarkable and memorable day.