Sun, 10th September 2023

Breme Chapter No. 862

On Wednesday 6th September the Chapter held its last meeting ot its own Calendar year but the first of the 2023/4 season at the newly renamed Freemasons Hall.

Thanks to the air conditioning in the Temple the attendance of 99% of its members was a tribute to this small Chapter’s enthusiasm. Indeed it would have been 100% had the final member not been stuck in heavy traffic tring to exit London. With 4 Visitors includoing the District Recorder and the newest Deputy Preceptor of the MRCCI, Ill. Bro. Lindsay “Taff” Hill, it proved to be a very good evening witnessing the Annual Elections, which saw E & P Bro. Richard Noakes, 18o once again being elected as MWS. This was followed by the delivery of an excellent paper originally written by Brig. A. C. F. Jackson describing the meaning of the Third Point.

On completion of the meeting the members moved from the benefit of an air conditioned Temple to a very warm Dining Room to enjoy the challenge of Stilton & Brocolli Soup, Fish, Chips and Mushy Peas and Profiteroles. The challenge was very well dealt with but in shirt sleeve order.

A very enjoyable evening of Rose Croix Masonry

Sun, 10th September 2023

District Seminar

On Thursday 7th September some 27 members together with the Inspector General and District Recorder met at the Masonic Hall, Halesowen for the Annual Seminar.

This event is designed to encourage every Chapter to send representation to be updated on what is happening within the District and to ask them to provide an appraisal of their own position covering the last Masonic Year and looking forward to their future plans.

One of the most disturbing elements this year was the number of Resignations, 26 of which have arisen from the Surrender of Warrants by St. Kenelm and St. Theodore Chapters. It is hoped that a major Recovery operation will take place to encourage them to Join other Chapters in the District.

With very comprehensive reports from each individual Chapter it was agreed that in an effort to boost recruitment the District provides a Personal “Callin Card” to encourage a face to face approach to prospective Candidates and leaving them with a brief outline of the Order and the name and contact details of those giving out the card.

Once again it proved to be a very successful evening.

Sat, 8th July 2023

KEVII CoI Demonstration

Saturday 1st July was a beautiful sunny day when 12 members of the District and the Inspector General went to the Berkshire Masonic Centre at Sindlesham to witness the KEVII demonstration of the 15th and 16th Degrees.

We were very warmly welcomed by the Inspector General and Officers of the District of Berkshire and able to enjoy tea/coffee and biscuits and obtain bacon & sausdage rolls at the bar before donning our regalia and entering the main Temple.

The KEVII team then expertly presented the 15th Degree – Knight of the East and 16th Degree – Prince of Jerusalem in front of a full temple and on conclusion the assembled Brethren retired to the Refectory for an excellent 2 course dinner.

All who attended thoroughly enjoyed the occassion and are looking forward to next year when the District host the demonstratiion team who will conduct the 17th Degree.

This is not a meeting to miss and details will be promulgated once everything is confirmed.

Sat, 8th July 2023

Breme Chapter Regular Meeting

On the 5th of July 2023, Breme Chapter No. 862 held its summer meeting in the Kidderminster Masonic Rooms. There were 80% of the members of the Chapter in attendance covering all their respective Offices, in addition 5 guests including the Inspector General to witness a perfect Ritual in the Opening, the Third Point and in the Closing by the MWS.

The main items of the Agenda were to demonstrate the presentation of the Collar, Jewel and the Signs by the First General 18th Degree, in order to ascertain a complete set for the qualification for promotion, and to present 2 SC Certificates, one to the MWS (a rare use of Rule 33) and the other to their newest Perfectee, which was not only done in extenso but was also further embellished with detailed information.

The IG took the opportunity of the available time to remind the Brethren, in a sincere and gentle way, with few items of instructions from Supreme Council and his own pet subjects, e.g. the MWS should be addressed with his full Title and not just ‘Most Wise’the careful attention, at the Third Point, to the pronounciation of the Sacred Name: ‘Emanual’, and to hold the 3rd Sign until the Goblet is sequentially handed over.

The evening was concluded with a hearty ‘Dinner’, and once again the Brethren were reminded that SC do not use the expression Festive Board and that the Fire should be ‘spoken only by the Brother proposing the Toast’, and not the D.C. 

All in all it was a feast of A&A Masonic treat in Ritual and Instruction.

Sat, 8th July 2023

Passing of Ill:.Bro. W. A. B. Sherlock, 32*

It is wirth much sadness that we report the Passing to the “Grand Chapter Above” of Ill. Bro.W.A/B (Bill) Sherlock 32o . Bill was a well known character within the District and played the organ for several units in a number of Orders. 

He was Perfected in St. Nicolas Chapter No. 198 in 1973 and Promoted to the 30o in 1986, the 31o in 1986 and finally to the 32 in December 2019.

Bill was a committed Freemason and will be sorely missed. 

May he now rest in Peace and Rise in Glory.

Thu, 29th June 2023

Another Successful Sunday Lunch for Halesowen Chapter

On Sunday 25th June some 54 members, partners, family and guests were once again treated to an excellent Sunday Lunch organised by Halesowen Rose Croix Chapter.

The focus of the lunch was on an excellent talk given by John Chapman featuring “The Girls of Bletchley Park” and where once again we were delighted to welcome Mrs Betty Webb, MBE, a remarkable 100 year old lady who played a significant part in the Bletchley success.

Many will know of Bletchley through the Enigma Machine.

Fri, 23rd June 2023

Evesham Chapter No. 994

On Thursday 15th June some 18 members of the Order met at Eveshamn Masonic Hall for the Annual Enthronement Ceremony. Unusually, given that this meeting is always combined with an Asparagus Supper the attendance this year was small but had the pleasure of welcoming the V:.Ill:. Inspector General, Dr. Joseph F K Marzouk, 33o and the Past Inspector General V:.Ill:. Bro. Dr. Richard N Hoare, 33o who were escorted into the Temple by the DC who is also the District Recorder.

The Enthronement Ceremony was very well conducted by the MWS E&P Bro. Mike Hadden, 18o and the incoming MWS, E&P Bro. Stan Brotherton,18o took to the Chair like the proverbial “duck to water” and appointed and invested his Officers. The Inspector General gave the address to the MWS, the District Recorder the Address to the Brethren and the Past Inspector General conducted the Third Point. The District thereby providing its pledged full support to the Chapter.

On Closing the Brethren retired to the Festive Board to enjoy a very good meal with trays of Vale of Evesham Gras to complement the Roast Gammon and cider and cream sauce. 

Responding to his Toast the Inspector General remarked on how good it was to see so many 18o Collars in the meeting and was delighted to hear that there are at least 4 Candidates in the pipeline.

The next meeting on 26th October will be the Chapter’s 100th Meeting and will be both a Perfection and Centenary Celebration 

MRCCI Festival

Worcestershire was well represented on our trip to Cambridge to support the 2017 Festival.

The next MRCCI Festival which was due to be held on June 6th 2020, hosted by the District of Staffordshire & Shropshire has been postponed until further notice.