Sun, 3rd December 2023

Superb Saints Day Celebration

On our Order’s Saints Day, St. Andrews Day, Thursday 30th November, the Inspector General Designate in Charge, in company with the District Recorder and Ill. Bro. Maurice Hume, 32o visited our Districts Nonogenarian, Ill. Bro. Allan Laidlaw, 32o to present Allan with his 50 Years of Service Certificate to the Ancient and Accpeted Rite, at his Residential Care Home, Fernhill House.


Ill. Bro’s Allan and Maurice were Founders of St. Theodore Chapter No. 887 and formerly, and since that Chapter’s Closure, returned to their original Chapter, St. Ann of Malvern, No. 606. the Cahpter in which Allan was Perfected.

Ill Bro’s Allan and Maurice were also responsible, with the guidance and assistance of the Past Inspector General, V, Ill, Bro, Dr, Richard N, Hoare,33o, in producing the MWS Banners for St. Dunstan and St. Theodore Chapters and with the Districts help then dedicated at a special ceremony conducted by the then Grand Prelate, Revd.Dr. John Railton,33o 

It was an excellent afternoon where the Care Home staff could not have been more helpful.

Sun, 19th November 2023

Recent Chapter Evente within the District

Their have been 3 Chapters Meetinbg in the last few weeks.

1. St Dunstan Chapter – Held a Regular Meeting on Wednesday 25th October at Rainbow Hill with some 19 members of the Order in attendance.

After Opening the Chapter the District Recorder gave a Eulogy in respect of Ill. Bro. W. A. B. Sherlock, 32o who had only recently become a member of the Chapter and due to ill health had not had the opportunity to attend a meeting.

2. Halesowen Chapter – On Monday 6th Novemeber the Chapter held their Enthronement Meeting which saw Ill. Bro. Godfrey Harper, 31o once again Enthroned into a Rose Croix Chapter Chair. The ceremony was well conducted and the support given by members of St. Edmund Kind and Martyr Chaper ensured that all offices were filled.

Following the Third point the brethren retired to enjoy a very convivial meal.

3. St. Edmund KIng & Martyr Chapter – On Tuesday 14th November the Chapter were pleased to welcome the former District Recorder, Ill. Bro. Ian Fothergill, 32o  in his new position as Inspector General Designate in Charge to witness the Enthronement of Ill. Bro. Paul Woodward, 30o once into the Chair of the Chapter. Ill. Bro. Paul has shown true grit and determination in taking on this task for another year given his medical condition but his determination has enthused the members of the Chapter to give hi, their whole hearted support. 

Once again the inter-visitation that takes place between Halesowen and St. Ed’s ensured that every Office was filled and assisted in ensuring that avery good ceremony could take place.

On completion of the Third Point the brethren retired to enjoy a very good dinner which brought to an end an excellent evening of Rose Croix Masonry.

Sun, 12th November 2023

New News Item

Brethren all,

May I please request that the members of the Order in the District of Worcestershire use my E Mail address for communication known to you all in regard to comments, rather than the Guestbook, following the announcement from Supreme Council 33o issued on Friday 10th November and the Letter of Resignation from our Inspector General sent out today and dated 11th November.

Arrangements are being made to hold a further meeting following last night’s Zoom to fully explain What and Why changes to our membership requirements and ritoal are being introduced. Ian M Fothergill, 31o,District Recorder, Worcestershire

Sun, 22nd October 2023

Exceptional Event at Evesham Chapter No. 994

On Thursday 19th October some 29 members of the Order met at Swan Lane, Evesham to celebrate their 100th Meeting.

They were delighted to welcome one of their Founders, Ill. Bro. Malcolm Wilson, 30o and one of their Honorary Members, V:.Bro. Dr. Richard N Hoarem 33o the Past Inspector General for the District,

The meeting then witnessed the Perfection of Bro. Trevor McMillan, which was conducted to a very high standard, on completion of which the District Recorder presented a Enthronement Certificate to E&P Bro. Stan Brotherton, 18o the MWS.

On completion of the Third Point and closure of the Chapter the brethren retired to enjoy a very well presented, enjoyable and convivial meal to conclude an excellent evening of Rose Croix Freemasonry.

Thu, 5th October 2023

Ill. Bro. Allan Jinks, 31*

It is with great sadness that we report the Passing to the Grand Chapter Above of Ill. Bro. Allan Jinks, 31o aged 95,on Wednesday 4th October following a long and debilitating illness.

Ill.Bro. Allan was well known throughout the District and was a very proud holder of a 50 Year Certiciate for services rendered to the Ancient and Accepted Rite.

To his wife Elizabeth, brother Gerry, 31o nephew Simon, 30o and all the family we send our heartfelt condoleces.

May he Rest in Peace & Rise in Glory

Thu, 28th September 2023

Promotion to the 32nd Degree

On Saturday 23rd September the Inspector General announced that Ill. Bro. Vivian Fogarty, 31o has been notified that he is to be Promoted to the 32o and Invested at the Higher Degrees Meeting in January along with Ill. Bro. Charles Dyer 31o.

The District offers its Congratulations to Ill. Bro. Vivian.

Mon, 25th September 2023

Super Saturday at St. Francis of Assisi Chapter No. 711

On Saturday 23rd September some 60 memebers of the Order met at Freemasons Hall, Kings Heath for a very special meeting/

The Chapter were honoured to welcome the M:.Ill:.Bro. Nicholas Bosanquet, 33o , the Grand Chancellor escorted by 4 Visiting Inspectors General, 3 District Recorders and of course their own 3 Inspectors General who are members of the Chapter and the District Recorder,

The meeting commenced with the Grand Chancellor presenting a Supreme Council Certificate to E & P Bro Nathan Plant,18o followed by the Proclamation of Ill:.Bro Gerald Jinks, 31o as MWS for the ensuing year who then appointed and invested his Officers.

There then followed the focal point of the meeting. The Presentation of a 50 years of Service to the Ancient & Accepted Rite to Dr, Nicholas N. Hoare, 33o the Past Inspector General for the District of Worcestershire and the second Candidate to be Perfected into the Order on 27/9/1973.

The presentation commenced with a brief resume of Richard’s life by the District Recorder and then the formal presentation of the Certficate by the Grand Chancellor. This was greeted with much acclaim.

There then followed a brief paper given by the Chapter Recorder on the life of St. Francis which was followed by the Visiting members and members of the Chapter conducting the 3rd point, led by the Grand Chancellor.

Wed, 20th September 2023

Higher Degrees Meeting 18/09/2023

On Monday 18th September some 15 Members of the District set off by coach from Henley in Arden to attend the Higher Degrees Meeting at The Grand East.

The District Recorder had arranged the coach to drop the party off at Mark Masons Hall, where we were met by the Inspector General, and we then went to the Duke of Connaught Room for a very good Soup and Sandwich Lunch before walking to No. 10 Duke Street for the 30o Investiture Ceremony, 

We offer our sincere Congratulations to the 5 Members of our District. Ill. Bro’s Baylis, Hadden, Parrack, Pritchard and Snape who received their well deserved promotions.

On completion we returned to Mark Masons Hall for a very good Dinner before departing on the coach back home.

Reports from those participating suggest it was a most enjoyable day. 

Sun, 10th September 2023

St, Nicolas Chapter No. 198

On Friday 1st September the Chapter held its Enthronement Meeting at Freemasons Hall, Kings Heath.

This saw Ill. Bro. Cliff Johnson, 30o once again Installed into the Chair. Unfortunately neither the Inspector General or District Recorder attend due to other Masonic Commitments.