Breme Chapter RC No 862

The Chapter met for their 128th Regular meeting on Wednesday 3rd July 2024. The main Business on the Agenda being the Perfection of Bro Mark Henderson, thankfully fully recovered from illness which caused his absence from the previous meeting.

The MWS, E&P Bro Richard Noakes 18°, opened the Chapter, proved the Minutes of the previous meeting, and then proceeded to confer the Intermediate Degrees.

Ill\Bro K Parkes 30°, conducted the 1st & 2nd Points in an impressive manner, and E&P Bro A Lewis 18°, gave a word perfect and delightful example of presenting the Collar & Signs.

On completion of the remainder of the Business and the Third Point, the MWS closed the Chapter and a fine dinner was enjoyed by all in the Refectory. 

Unfortunately, the Inspector General was unable to attend the meeting due to other commitments, but he would have enjoyed the quality of the work in the Lodgeroom. He will also be further pleased that there will be another Perfection ceremony at the next meeting of the Chapter.

Halesowen Chapter RC No 615 Sunday Lunch

On Sunday 30th June the members of Halesowen Chapter held another very successful Sunday Lunch at Newfields, with some 48 members, their partners and guests in attendance.

Following an excellent 3 Course meal the assembled company were enthralled by a first-class presentation by Dr. Kate Round, PhD, who is an outreach presenter and tour guide for Dudley Museum Service. Her knowledge and delivery of the history of glass making back to the 8th Century BC, and its development, focusing on and tracing the roots of Stourbridge glassmakers, was both fascinating and very informative.

We must remember of course that the Masonic Centre, formerly the Carlisle Hall in Victoria Street, Stourbridge, is dedicated; thanks to a most generous donation from the widow, Mrs Constance Webb; to James S Webb, a renown Stourbridge glassmaker.

Merston Culy Chapter RC No 883

On Friday 28th June 2024, the Inspector General and District Recorder received a warm welcome to the Chapter by the MWS who, with due respect to his obligation, offered the Inspector General his Chair and Baton. The Inspector General thanked the MWS for his very kind and generous offer, but politely declined returning the Baton with his accustomed humour. 

It was to be a relatively short ‘business’ meeting with E&P Bro E D Baker 18°, being re-elected to serve a second year as the MWS, and Ill\Bro M L Thomas 31°, re-elected as Treasurer for the ensuing year. 

The Immediate Past Sovereign, E&P Bro M R Hudson 18th, then carried out a delightful demonstration of the First Point, completing all the work necessary for recommendation for the Higher Degree.

On completion of an excellent Third Point, the MWS closed the Chapter, and the rest of the evening spent in the refectory where everyone enjoyed a delightful meal to round off a super evening.

Northfield Chapter RC No 1022

On Monday 24th July 2024, the Inspector General and the District Recorder were warmly welcomed to the Chapter for the Enthronement of E&P Bro Dr M Gohil 18°.

Prior to opening the Chapter, the Prelate gave a Eulogy for the very sad recent passing to the Grand Chapter Above of Ill\Bro Jonathan Swift 30°.

Immediately after Opening the Chapter, the Recorder read the Dispensation authorising the change of date for the meeting. The reason for the change was to allow for the safe return of the Sovereign Elect from his distant travels. 

The MWS provided a most enjoyable and efficient Enthronement of E&P Bro Dr M Gohil 18°, who then proceeded to appoint and invest his Officers in a faultless and impressive manner.

Ill\Bro J Pritchard 30°, then had the honour and pleasure of presenting the Immediate Past Sovereign Jewel to E&P Bro R Mulgrue 18°. 

After receiving a very moving report from the Treasurer E&P Bro J Pegler 18°, reference the distribution of past & pending Alms collections, the Recorder Ill\Bro S Rothero gave an interesting and informative paper entitled ‘The Words of the 18th Degree’, which was very well received by all.  

On completion of an excellent Third Point, the MWS closed the Chapter, and the rest of the evening spent in Harmony and Brotherly Love in the dining room enjoying yet another delightful evening meal.

Evesham Chapter RC No 994

On Thursday 20th June 2024 the Chapter held its Enthronement meeting.

The Inspector General was warmly welcomed into the Chapter by E&P Bro S Brotherton the MWS who, with due respect to his obligation, offered the Inspector General his Chair and Baton. The Inspector General politely declined the kind offer, as he ’had not prepared for the Enthronement’ to the same level as the MWS……..

After confirming the Minutes of the previous meeting, 15 Chapter members and four Visitors were treated to a most enjoyable Enthronement of the new MWS, E&P Bro S Hillard 18°. Upon completion of appointing and investing his officers, the Inspector General gave the address to the Princes in his usual, enjoyable manner, and the new MWS presented a Past Sovereigns Jewel to E&P Bro Brotherton 18°.

The Chapter Recorder (and District Recorder) then had the honour and pleasure of presenting a Supreme Council Certificate to E&P Bro P Emmerson 18°. 

On completion of the Third Point and closing the Chapter, members and guests retired to the Refectory to enjoy a super, traditional Evesham Enthronement dinner of Asparagus & baked Gammon or baked Salmon. 

During the formal part of the dinner, III\Bro C Dyer 32°, & III\Bro G Jinks 32°, received a toast acknowledging  their recent promotion to the 32°. A lovely evening had by all.

Announcement of the Extension of the Inspector General Patent

I was humbled and overwhelmed to receive a letter from the Grand Secretary General, H. E. that the Supreme Council, at its meeting on 9 May 2024, considered my appointment as Inspector General for the District of Worcestershire, and has decided to extend my Patent to cover a full 5-year period.

I am delighted to accept this totally unexpected honour and sincerely pledge that with the help of every member I will continue to serve the District to the best of my ability.

Ian M Fothergill, 33o Inspector General District of Worcestershire

Great Day at Grand East

A day that will long be remembered by Ill Bro Gerry Jinks, 32°. Not only did he receive his well-deserved Promotion he was also the Representative Candidate, which was a great accolade for Worcestershire.

In company with the Inspector General and Ill Bro Simon Jinks 30°, the trio travelled by train to London and then met up with Ill Bro Maurice Hume 32°. The IG treated them to a light lunch in the Cavendish Hotel. We were later joined by Ill. Bro Gordon Stacey 30°, who was attending as a  guest of Ill. Bro. Nick White, the son of V.Ill Bro. Dr. John H White, 33° a Past Inspector General of our District. Nick was receiving his 30°, through the District of Devonshire, where he also holds the Office of Intendant General in the Red Cross of Constantine.

At the dinner following the HD Meeting Ill Bro. Gerry was seated at the Top Table between the Sovereign Grand Commander and the Lieutenant Grand Commander. The rest of the Worcester Group were sat with the Devonshire contingent so many tales told of Dr. John.

A great and grand day for Gerry and we offer our congratulations to him.

St Mary & All Saints Chapter RC No 688 

On Friday 31st May 2024, the Inspector General and District Recorder were warmly welcomed to the Chapter for their annual Enthronement meeting. 

With the unfortunate absence due to retirement of the MWS, III\Bro V Fogarty 32°, opened the Chapter. After confirming and approving the Minutes of the previous meeting, the next item was to Ballot for, as a joining member, V\III\Bro Dr R N Hoare 33°, a Former Inspector General for the District of Worcestershire. It was a very close call, nevertheless, the Chapter warmly welcomed their new member and are so delighted to have him on board. 

III\Bro C Hart 30° was then Enthroned as MWS of the Chapter by III\Bro Fogarty 32°, in a most impressive and enjoyable manner.

On completion of the Enthronement, the Inspector General gave a delightful address to the Princes of the Chapter. 

The new MWS completed the remainder of the business, carried out the Third Point and Closed the Chapter. Everyone then retired to the refectory to enjoy a hearty dinner completing a super evening.

Rose Croix now open to all Master Masons of at least six months’ standing

Are you thinking about your next step in freemasonry? Around the world, the second largest order after the Craft is the Ancient & Accepted Scottish Rite, consisting of thirty-three degrees. In England and Wales it is known as the Ancient and Accepted Rite, and is often referred to as ‘Rose Croix’, because candidates join at the 18th degree, which has the formal title Prince Rose Croix of Heredom.

Building on what you have learnt in the three Craft degrees and the Royal Arch, the 18° ceremony considers the principles of brotherly love, relief and truth through deeper philosophical and spiritual teachings, guiding candidates towards a greater understanding of themselves and their connection to the universe. It is a ceremony unlike any other in freemasonry, and is often described by candidates as their most profound experience since Initiation.

As the Royal Arch draws on themes from the Hebrew Bible (Old Testament), so the 18° draws upon various books of the New Testament, but you no longer have to be a Christian in order to join: the Order is now open to all Master Masons who will be of at least six months’ standing at the time of their ‘Perfection’, as the joining ceremony is known. The ritual uses the life and teachings of Jesus to illustrate masonic virtues, which Christians will recognise as the basis of their own faith, but these virtues are shared by all the major world religions and the teachings are of contemporary relevance to all, regardless of their faith.

Most Rose Croix chapters meet only three times a year, so membership is not a significant addition to your current masonic commitments, and the dues are among the lowest of any masonic Order. The regalia of the 18° consists only of a beautiful collar and jewel.

Interested? To find out more, please contact Lindsay (Taff) Hill, District Recorder of the District of Worcestershire at , and he will be delighted to give you further details.

Halesowen Chapter RC No 615

On Wednesday 15th May 2024 the Inspector General and District Recorder received a warm welcome to the Chapter for their annual ‘business’ meeting. 

Immediately after Opening the Chapter, the Recorder read the Dispensation authorising the change of date for the meeting. The reason for the change was to allow several members of the Chapter to attend the Centenary celebrations of All Saints Chapter RC No 217 in the neighbouring district of Staffordshire & Shropshire. 

The Minutes of the previous meeting were confirmed and III\Bro Robert Bennett 30°, was elected as the MWS for the ensuing year, III\Bro Peter Marks 30°, re-elected as Treasurer for the ensuing year, and the in-coming Generals were elected as the two account examiners.

Following the Third Point and Closing the Chapter, members retired to the Refectory where we were joined by 3 Master Masons who were given a very brief description and welcome to our beautiful Order by the Inspector General. Another fine dinner in super company was enjoyed by all.