Gervase Paganel Chapter RC No 316

The Chapter met on Thursday 10th October 2024 with E&P Bro P Connor 18°, the MWS warmly welcoming the Inspector General and his District Recorder. The MWS endeavoured to hand his baton and Chair to the IG, but was met with the IG’s standard, polite rejection…..  

The MWS Opened the Chapter, confirmed and approved the previous meeting Minutes, which he and the IG duly signed. 

The next item on the Agenda was to demonstrate parts of the ceremony of Perfection focusing on the Second Point in particular. With Ill\Bro M Tonkin 31°, acting as the Candidate, the MWS directed him through the ladder and exchanged the Word in an excellent manner. The IG had the pleasure of giving the Accolade and the DR equally pleased to present the Emblems and Signs. The Candidate was directed with confidence throughout by Raphael & the Marshal. 

The remainder of the business and the Third Point was carried out by the MWS as per the 2024 Ritual, and after the closing of the Chapter, members retired to enjoy a super dinner in the refectory.


Worcestershire Chapter RC No 970

On Saturday 5th October 2024, Worcestershire Chapter 970 hosted the first ‘District Annual Meeting’ at Rainbow Hill Freemasons Hall, and what a day to remember. 

Ill\Bro Martyn Hardeman, the MWS, opened the Chapter and awaited the DC to instruct the brethren to rise to receive the M\Ill\Bro The Rev’d Dr S A Thorn 33°, Grand Prior, accompanied by the Inspectors General for Worcestershire; Gloucester & Herefordshire; and South Wales & Monmouthshire. Not forgetting of course that the Inspector General for Warwickshire, V\Ill\Bro Stephen Fowler 33°, being a member and 2nd General of the Chapter. All four IG’s were also accompanied by their respective District Recorders.

It has all the ingredients to be a great morning and afternoon!!!

After welcoming the Grand Prior and all the other visitors, the MWS invited the Inspector General, V\Ill\Bro Ian Fothergill 33°, to occupy the Chair.  A eulogy was then given by the MWS in respect of Ill\Bro Jonathan Swift 30°, who had sadly passed to the Grand Chapter Above since our last meeting. The Inspector General then asked the District Recorder to read the names of those brethren in the District who had Passed to the Grand Chapter Above during the period 1st July 2023 and 30th September 2024. The Prelate then recited a solemn prayer for the departed brethren whilst the Organist played ‘The Day thou Gavest’ quietly in the background.

After confirming and approving the Minutes of the previous meeting, the Minutes were duly signed by the IG, Grand Prior and the MWS.

The IG requested that the Muster Roll of all Chapters were present, and the DR was pleased to confirm that all Chapters in the District were indeed represented.

The DR then presented an annual report which included details of all District Perfections, Resignations, recipients of 50 Year certificates and all the ‘special events’ during the period 1st July 2023 and 30thSeptember 2024.

After handing the Chair back to the MWS, the IG asked the DR to name all those who were promoted to the Higher Degrees between 1st July 2023 and 30th September 2024. As the DR called out their names, the brethren fell into line in the north and the IG, escorted by the DC, congratulated each and every brother individually and shook their hands. 

The MWS continued with the Agenda and last, but certainly not least, announced the highlight of the day – a presentation by the M\Ill\Bro The Rev’d Dr S A Thorn 33°, Grand Prior entitled ‘1786 and all that’. The talk was beautifully constructed, entertaining and so informative which was just what everyone needed to fully appreciate the recent changes to our ritual. The Chapter then gave a resounding vote of thanks to the Grand Prior. I am sure the contents of the talk continued in all our minds on the journey home. 

The IG conducted the Third Point and the MWS closed the Chapter and everyone retired to the refectory for prosecco & orange Juice reception before settling down to a delightful lunch. The IG had great pleasure in presenting the Grand Prior with a large bottle of Worcestershire’s finest, and a set of six Royal Worcester Evesham Gold porcelain napkin rings as a token of his thanks.

What a fantastic meeting!!!

St. Francis of Assisi Chapter RC No 711 

Saturday 28th September 2024 was a very special day for the Chapter in general, and III\Bro Gerry Jinks 32°, and III\Bro Simon Jinks 30°, in particular. The 157th meeting of the Chapter witnessed the most wonderfully conducted ceremony as the MWS, III\Bro Gerry Jinks 32°, had the pleasure of Enthroning his son, III\Bro Simon Jinks 30°, as Most Wise Sovereign. Not something witnessed very often!

The V\Ill\Bro I M Fothergill 33°, Inspector General, V\Ill\Bro S W Fowler 33°, (Chapter member), Inspector General for the District of Warwickshire and V\Ill\Bro Dr R N Hoare 33°, (Chapter member), Former Inspector General of Worcestershire, all those present were treated to a ceremony of the highest quality. 

Following the Opening Hymn, the Prelate gave the Chapter Prayer for St Francis of Assisi.

After opening the Chapter and confirming the Minutes of the previous meeting, the MSW Enthroned his successor with the knowledge that the Chapter was in good hands. The ‘New’ MWS appointed and invested his officers, and the Inspector General delivered the Address to the Chapter with his delightful enthusiasm. 

The high quality of ritual on show did not stop there as, at the end of the Enthronement,  two members of the Chapter delivered elements of the 18°, Ceremony of Perfection. E&P Bro R Pinner 18°, presented the Intermediate Degrees, and E&P N Nicholls presented the Collar & Signs. Both were faultless with their delivery for which they can be proud.

On completion of the Third Point the members retired to the Refectory to enjoy a rather substantial 3 course lunch. A fantastic meeting and great company enjoyed by all.


St Ann of Malvern Chapter RC No 606

On Friday 27th September 2024 members of the Order including the Inspector General and District Recorder, met at Rainbow Hill, Worcester.

The Most Wise Sovereign III\Bro Maurice A Hume 32°, was unavoidably absent for the evening and the District Recorder was asked to act as the MWS. It was an honour and a privilege for him to do so.

After singing the opening hymn, the MWS in the Chair opened the Chapter.

The main event of the evening was to receive a ‘Talk of Masonic interest’. A ‘Potpourri’ of relevant information specific to the 18°, was presented by the V\Ill\Bro Ian Fothergill 33°, Inspector General of the District of Worcestershire. The talk was interesting and informative which was well received by all present.

The Third Point was conducted by the Inspector General and the MWS in the Chair closed the Chapter and everyone departed in peace and harmony.

The evening was relatively short but very, very enjoyable indeed.


Bordesley Abbey Chapter RC No 918

On Monday 23rd September 2024 eleven members and visitors including the Inspector General and District Recorder met at Freemasons Hall, Redditch to welcome Bro Paul Erasmus Blackband-Hibbert into our beautiful Order.

The MWS, E&P Bro Stephen Roadly 18°, received the Inspector General and tried his best to persuade him to occupy the Chair and take the baton. The Inspector General received the baton from the MWS and following a few kind words of thanks, returned the baton as he would prefer the MWS to conduct his meeting.

Well, two in two. Two Perfection ceremonies in two consecutive meetings, that is what we like to see!

The ballot proving favourable to the Candidate, the brethren proceeded to confer the Intermediate Degrees, which were proficiently delivered by the Chapter Recorder, III\Bro William Roberts 30°. The MWS conducted the 1st & 2nd Points, and with great confidence and bearing of the Candidate, the Marshal, III\Bro Derek Taylor 30°, and Raphael, E&P Bro Stephen Moody 18° ensured a seamless journey. The Marshal completed the 2ndPoint by explaining the Collar & Signs.

The MWS conducted the 3rd Point and closed the Chapter. 

Due to circumstances beyond the control of the Chapter with reference to the catering department, no dining took place at the Hall. The refectory took the form of a local Indian restaurant, and a lovely meal was had by all.  


Majestic Monday

On Monday 16th September 2024, two Candidates and six supporters, including the IG and DR, set out in a minibus for the Grand East. This included a comfort break at Beaconsfield Services where they enjoyed a delightful picnic lunch courtesy of Ill\Bro Simon and Kirsty Jinks.

After booking in at Number 10, we all retired for refreshment to the Cavendish Hotel, courtesy of the IG, to enjoy a pre-meeting drink.

As always the Supreme Council conducted a first-class ceremony, on completion of which the assembled company retired to Mark Masons Hall and enjoyed a quality evening meal.

Whilst there are tales to tell regarding our return journey, they will be kept “sub rosa.”

It was an excellent day out and we congratulate Ill\Bro’s Stan Brotherton and Bill Tucker on receiving their well-earned promotions.

Notification of Promotion

It is with great pleasure we announce the forthcoming promotions to the 31°, to become effective on Tuesday 11th February 2025:

  • Ill. Bro. Lindsay D Hill (Taff) our sedulous District Recorder
  • Ill. Bro. Stephen J Wyer – our dedicated Provincial Grand Master/MEGS.

We send our heartiest congratulations to them both.

V\Ill\Bro Stephen W Fowler 33°. The Inspector General for the District of Warwickshire

On Wednesday 11th September 2024 at the Warwickshire Chapter RC No 483, the V\Ill\Bro Stephen W Fowler 33°, received his Patent extension of a further 5 years in a delightful meeting ‘full of pomp & ceremony.’ The hugely impressive Freemasons Hall location of Alderson House in Warwick was chosen to mark the occasion.

The Patent was presented by the M\Ill\Bro Sir Andrew Parmley, FRCO 33°, Grand Captain General, who made the occasion extra special with his charm and infectious humour.

V\Ill\Bro Stephen W Fowler 33°, is of course also a member of St Francis of Assisi Chapter RC No 711, and Worcestershire Chapter RC No 970. On behalf of all the members of the District of Worcestershire, we are so pleased to see you continue as the Inspector General of Warwickshire, and we wish you a happy and enjoyable further 5 years.

Also on the meeting Agenda was a guided commentary & demonstration of the Ceremony of Perfection by the Midlands Rose Croix Chapter of Improvement (MRCCI). The demonstration was once again very well received by all, and for most of the members present, was the first time they had seen the Revised Ritual performed. A big thank you to III\Bro Charles Dyer 32°, Preceptor of the MRCCI for coordinating another successful event.

A superb dinner was enjoyed by all in the Refectory following the meeting, and all that remains to be said is “what a fantastic evening”.


Breme Chapter RC No 862

Picking up from where we left off………  Being the last Chapter to meet at the end of last season and the first Chapter to meet in the new season, Breme Chapter met for their 129th Regular meeting on Wednesday 4thSeptember 2024. With batteries fully recharged, the main item on the Agenda was the Perfection of Bro Phillip Butler, a Past Master of Page Lodge No 3378. And what a super evening it was for the 22 members including 8 visitors present……..

The MWS, E&P Bro Richard Noakes 18°, opened the Chapter, proved the Minutes of the previous meeting, conducted a Ballot (for Perfection), and then proceeded to confer the Intermediate Degrees.

Ill\Bro K Parkes 30°, conducted the 1st Point in his customary delightful manner, with the 2nd Point shared seamlessly by the MWS and E&P Bro A Lewis 18°, who again impressed with his word-perfect delivery in presenting the Collar & Signs. The Candidate was also ‘suitably cared for and directed’ by both the Marshal & Raphael throughout.

The MWS declared that he would continue as the MWS for a second year, and then also declared that III\Bro N J Evans 30°, would continue as Treasurer. On completion of the Third Point, the MWS closed the Chapter, and a fine dinner was enjoyed by all in the Refectory during which III\Bro K Parkes gave a delightful explanation of the ‘Fire’. 

Unfortunately, the Inspector General was unable to attend the meeting due to being ‘Hors de Combat’ following an operation the previous week. He will be undoubtedly pleased with the number of visitors that supported the Chapter, and that there were a total of 8 Red Collars present.



On Wednesday 17th July some 120 brethren, including the Most Illustrious Bro. James A. F. Thom, KC, 33°, Grand Chamberlain, and the Inspectors General from Berkshire, Derbyshire, South Wales and Monmouthshire and the Past Inspector General for Beford & Hertfordshire, together with the District IG, attended the KEVII Chapter of Improvement Demonstration of the 17°, at Freemasons Hall, Kings Heath, hosted by the MRCCI and with members of Worcestershire assisting in the ceremony as four of the “Ancients”.

The meeting was opened by the Chairman of the KEVII Chapter of Improvement Ill. Bro. P. Brockbank who explained what was about to take place. Then the Demonstration Team, including the Worcestershire contingent, took their places. There then followed a very interesting and full demonstration of the Degree ritual for a Knight of the East & West. It was interesting to note that on several occasions there was clear reference to ritual in other Companion Orders.

On completion of the Ceremony the Grand Chamberlain gave a vote of thanks to the demonstration team which was greeted with extended acclaim.

Some 113 members in attendance then retired to enjoy a convivial drinks reception followed by a very enjoyable Dinner in the Refectory.

Yet again members of the District of Worcestershire and visitors enjoyed a wonderful evening of Rose Croix Masonry.