Northfield Chapter RC No 1022

On Monday 10th March 2025 , 8 members of the Chapter plus 4 Visitors including the Inspector General and the District Recorder attended Northfield Freemasons Hall for the Business Meeting of the Chapter. 

Due to reasons beyond his control and with the severe meteorological conditions ’Down Under’, the MWS was unable to return to the UK in time to attend the meeting. The Chair was very comfortably occupied by Ill Bro John Pritchard 30°, who looked and felt very ‘at home’ indeed. However, despite his best efforts, he was unable tempt the IG to retain the Baton when offered to him!!!

After Opening the Chapter, the Minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed by the members of the Chapter. The IG then had the pleasure of presenting a Supreme Council Certificate to E&P Bro Lawrence Wood 18°, who was Perfected into the Chapter at their last meeting in January. 

Ill Bro Martyn Hardeman 30°, was then declared the MWS elect for the ensuing year, and E&P Bro John Peglar 18°, declared the Treasurer for the ensuing year, both of whom graciously accepted the confidence that the brethren showed.  

The next two items on the Agenda were to receive an exceptionally interesting and informative paper from E&P Bro John Peglar 18°, who captivated the audience with his knowledge of ‘The Five Noble Orders of Architecture’, followed by an equally interesting and informative talk from the IG on our beautiful Order in particular. Both Papers very well received indeed.

On completion of the Third Point the Chapter was Closed and the Brethren retired to enjoy an exceptionally good 3 course evening meal in the Refectory.

All in all, a very enjoyable evening.

Next meeting – Monday 9th June 2025.


Halesowen Chapter RC No 615

On Monday 3rd March 2025 21 members of the Order including the Inspector General and District Recorder received a warm welcome to the Chapter for an evening’s entertainment at Halesowen Masonic Centre. 

The MWS, III Bro Robert Bennett 30°, opened the Chapter, proved the Minutes of the previous meeting, and conducted a Ballot (for Perfection), of Bro Colin Edwards. The Ballot proving in favour of the Candidate, the Chapter retired to confer the Intermediate Degrees.

Ill Bro John K Owen 31°, conducted the 1st Point and Ill Bro Derek Percival 31°, the 2nd Point.  The Candidate was also suitable cared for and directed by both the Marshal & Raphael throughout.

After collecting Alms, the MWS conducted the Third Point, and closed the Chapter. Everyone then retired to the Refectory to enjoy a baked gammon dinner which was very well received and enjoyed by all. 

Next meeting – Mon 12th May 25. 


St. Nicolas Chapter RC No 198

The Chapter met on Friday 28th February 2025 for an enjoyable meeting indeed. The MWS, Ill Bro Stephen Middleditch 31°, welcomed the Inspector General into the Chapter and offered him his Chair & Baton to which the IG politely declined. The MWS Opened the Chapter and warmly welcomed the Visitors. 

The Minutes of the previous meeting were relayed to those present by the Recorder and were duly approved by the members and signed for by the MWS and IG respectively.

The members of the Chapter then elected the MWS Ill Bro Stephen Middleditch 31°, to remain ‘in the Chair’ for the ensuing year, and the current Treasurer E&P Bro Emerson Holder 18°, to also continue as the Treasurer (which he will be delighted to learn when he returns from his holidays)……. 

The MWS then gave an interesting talk from a paper written by Ill Bro Matthew Christmas, a Past MWS of the Grand Metropolitan Chapter of Princes Rose Croix of Heredom. His writings provide an explanation of the 18° of the Ancient & Accepted Rite. Its content include The History and Origins; The Supreme Council; Emblems of the Order; and Why seek Perfection? The MWS chose this paper as it is rather fitting topic following some recent difficult times within our beautiful Order, reminding us of ‘why did I join Rose Croix’, and ‘what does it mean to me’.

The MWS talk led fittingly into another talk from the Inspector General on the background to the recent changes to the Ritual, and subsequent implications for members. This talk once again very well received, and led to an interesting question & answer session.

Upon completing the Third Point, the MWS closed the Chapter, and the rest of the evening spent in Harmony and Brotherly Love in the Refectory to enjoy a hearty dinner if fish & chips.

Next meeting (Enthr) – Fri 28th October 25. 


St Ann of Malvern Chapter RC No 606

7 members of the Chapter plus 4 Visitors including the Inspector General and the District Recorder, met at Rainbow Hill on Tuesday 25th February 2025.

After singing the opening Hymn, the Most Wise Sovereign III Bro Maurice A Hume, 32°, Opened the Chapter and immediately offered his Baton & Chair to the IG. It came as no surprise when the IG politely declined the kind offer, and returned the Baton as quickly as he received it.

The MWS then gave a sincere and moving eulogy to III\Bro Allan J Laidlaw 32°, who sadly passed to the Grand Chapter Above just a few days prior to the meeting.

With no other nominations received and there being no request for a ballot, the MWS then declared III Bro Charles M K Dyer 32°, as the MWS for the ensuing year, and III Bro Sean P Warner 30°, Treasurer for the ensuing year.

The Inspector General then gave another of his interesting and informative talks reference our beautiful Order which was well received by all present, and provoked a thoughtful questions and answers session, leading into an open discussion reference the Chapter itself.

The Third Point was conducted by the MWS and everyone departed in peace and harmony.

The evening was relatively short but very, very enjoyable indeed.

Next meeting (Enthr) – Wed 7th May 25. 


Ill.˙. Bro Allan James Laidlaw 32°, 06/04/1924 – 07/02/2025

It is with much sadness that we mourn the sad Passing of our Centenarian Ill.˙. Bro.˙. Allan Laidlaw at his Residential Care Home at Fernhill Heath in the early hours of Saturday morning 8th February.

Allan’s Ancient & Accepted Rite career saw him Perfected into St Ann of Malvern Chapter No 606 on 28/09/1973 and became a Founder of St Theodore Chapter No 887 – Consecrated in 1981.

In 1980 Allan joined St Theodore Chapter No 887 and progressed to the Chair as MWS in 1983. He was duly promoted to the 30° in October 1985, received further promotion to the 31° in July 1994 and to the 32° in June 2015.

He was also a member of Worcestershire Chapter No. 970 where he became the MWS in 2004, and later becoming an Honorary Member.

One of his most memorable achievements was that in conjunction with Ill.˙.Bro.˙. Maurice Hume, 32°, with the assistance of the then Inspector General, V.˙. Ill.˙. Bro. Dr Richard N Hoare, 33°, they had permission granted to provide Most Wise Sovereigns Standards for both St Dunstan and St Theodore Chapters, which are still displayed albeit that St Theodore having had to surrender their Warrant. It is now displayed at St Ann of Malvern Chapter No 606.

In 2023 the newly appointed Inspector General Designate in Charge along with his newly appointed District Recorder and Ill.˙. Bro.˙. Maurice had the pleasure and honour to present Allan with his 50 Year Certificate in recognition of his long and loyal Service to the Ancient & Accepted Rite. A fitting tribute to a long serving and dedicated member of our Order.

After an extensive Masonic career his work is now done.

May he Rest in Peace and Rise in Glory.


Tremendous Tuesday

Tuesday 11th February 2025 saw some 18 members of the District setting out for the Grand East, 14 of whom travelled by Coach from Henley in Arden, and the remainder travelling by their own means, to witness 5 members of the District being promoted to either the 31°or 30°.

The journey from Henley to London went extremely well despite having to avoid a severe accident on the M40. The Coach party and the other 4 members met at Mark Masons Hall where the District had laid on a soup & sandwich lunch and where the IG, with his usual generosity on such occasions, provided the wine.

The assembled company included 3 current and a Past Inspector General, V.˙.Ill.˙.Bro’s. Stephen Fowler (Warks), Nigel Bridges, (Gloucs & Heref), Dr. Richard N Hoare, and our own IG.

On completion of a generous and very satisfying lunch the party moved to No. 10 Duke Street to witness Ill.˙.Bro’s, Lindsay (Taff) Hill, Gordon Stacey and Stephen Wyer promoted to the 31st Degree.

Followed by Ill.˙.Bro’s Mark Hudson & Richard Nokes receiving their first promotions to the 30°.

Both ceremonies being conducted in a superb manner by the Most Puissant Sovereign Grand Commander and members of The Supreme Council.

On conclusion it was back to Mark Masons Hall to enjoy a high standard quality Dinner which concluded at 1900 hrs, and saw the weary travellers depart back to their original locations. The Coach party arriving back in Henley in Arden for 2120 hrs.

The Inspector General concluded by addressing the Coach Party, once again congratulating those promoted, and stated that he looked forward to visiting their respective Chapters to Propose their Higher Degree Toasts. 

It was, without doubt a memorable Ancient & Accepted Rite day for those promoted, and an enjoyable day out for those supporting.


Oldswinford Chapter RC No 908

On Thursday 6th February 2024, 15 members and visitors including the Inspector General and the District Recorder, met for an interesting and enlightening meeting. 

After warmly welcoming the IG and visitors the MWS, E&P Bro Justin Randle 18°, approved the Minutes of the previous meeting.

What then followed was an encouraging and extremely enjoyable demonstration of a Perfection ceremony, including a ‘commentary of the ceremony’ given by III Bro Charles Dyer 32°, the Midlands Rose Croix Chapter of Improvement (MRCCI) Preceptor.

It must be noted that every Brother taking part in delivering the work were members of the 18°. This will give the Chapter huge heart and promise for their future. Bring on their next candidate………… 

The MWS then conducted an ‘open discussion’ on the way forward and future prospects of the Chapter, which was concluded with a few delightful motivational words from the Prelate, III Bro Justin Parker 30°. Encouraging and inspiring to say the least.

On completion of the Third Point the members retired to the Refectory to enjoy a generous helping of steak pie, seasonal veg and Chips.

Next meeting (Enthr) – Thursday 3rd April 25. 


St Mary & All Saints Chapter RC No 688

On Thursday 30th January 2025, 13 members including the Inspector General, District Recorder and three other visitors were warmly welcomed to the Chapter. 

Prior to Opening the Chapter, The IG was escorted into the room by the Director of Ceremonies, III Bro V Fogarty 32°, and presented to the MWS. The MWS, III Bro C Hart 30°, invited the IG to accept the Baton and occupy the Chair and before the IG could answer said “I don’t know why I am giving you this Baton because I know I will get it straight back”. The IG however informed him “I am here here to enjoy myself this evening and hadn’t planned on doing ant work”!!! 

The MWS Opened the Chapter and confirmed the Minutes of the previous meeting. The MWS then demonstrated the Intermediate Degrees with a confident and word-perfect presentation.

On completion of the remainder of the Agenda, V Ill Bro Dr Richard N Hoare 33°, Former Inspector General, carried out the Third Point and the MWS then Closed the Chapter. 

Everyone retired to the Refectory to enjoy the accustomed high-quality Stourport Masonic Hall dinner, completing a super evening.

Next meeting (Enthronement) – Friday 30th May 2025. 


Bordesley Abbey Chapter RC No 918

On Monday 27th January 2025, with only 8 members of the Order present including the Inspector General and 1 Visitor, the Chapter was opened at 1800 hrs by the MWS in the Chair, III\Bro Del Padmore 30°, who gave a full account for the lack of attendance and then welcomed the Inspector General to the meeting and proffered him the baton which he as usual declined.

With various members being placed into Office, including the Visitor as Prelate the Chapter was Opened and the initial usual administration conducted. 

The Inspector General was then invited to present his recently approved paper “Why did our Order remove the requirement of swearing Allegiance to the Trinitarian Faith?” This was very well received and prompted some interesting questions, and it was suggested that it should be made available to all the members of the District. The IG agreed he would talk with the DR and make suitable arrangements.

He ended his talk by referring to the request recently made to individual Chapters in the District regarding using the Nunc Dimittis as a Recessional Hymn after Closing. 

St. Luke’s Gospel Chapter 2 v25-29 refers:

“After Simeon had seen and held Jesus, he broke out in the song we still sing: “Lord, now You let Your servant depart in peace, according to Your Word. For my eyes have seen Your salvation which You have prepared in the sight of all people, a light for revelation to the Gentiles and for glory to Your people Israel.” 

The Doxology at the end is an expression of praise sung to the Holy Trinity: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit and is obviously as stated Trinitarian and therefore no longer approved.

The IG emphasised that given that we have just prior to Closing conducted the Third Point, forming a living circle of eternity and shared the goblet of fraternal friendship and fidelity and once Closed are moving to the Refectory to enjoy a social gathering, why would we want to end the Meeting singing a “song relating to death.”

The IG then presented a Supreme Council Certificate to E&P Bro Paul E Blackband-Hibbert in his usual erudite manner and welcomed him warmly into the Order, the District in General and Bordesley Abbey Chapter in particular.

The IG was thanked by the MWS in the Chair for all his work.

The MWS Declared the nominations for the MWS and Treasurer remaining in their respective Chairs for a further year. Unfortunately, neither were present.

The meeting was Closed following the Third Point but unfortunately there was no Refectory due to the small numbers in attendance.

Next meeting – Monday 28th April 2025.


St. Francis of Assisi Chapter RC No 711

9 members of the Chapter plus 3 visitors including the Inspector General and the District Recorder met at Kings Heath Freemasons Hall on Saturday 25th January 2025 to enjoy a relatively short but never the less very enjoyable meeting.

The Inspector General, V\Ill\Bro Ian M Fothergill 33°, accompanied by V\Ill\Bro Stephen W  Fowler 33°, (Inspector General for the District of Warwickshire), and V\Ill\Bro Dr Richard N Hoare 33°, (Former Inspector General of the District of Worcestershire), were escorted into the Chapter by the Director of Ceremonies. Before taking his seat in the Chapter, the MWS very kindly offered the Batten and Chair to the IG which was declined with equal kindness by the IG……. 

Following the Opening Hymn, the Prelate gave the Chapter Prayer for St Francis of Assisi.

After opening the Chapter and confirming the Minutes of the previous meeting, The MWS Invested the Prelate as he was unfortunately absent for the Enthronement meeting. 

Then followed an exemplary presentation of the Collar & Signs by Raphael, E&P Bro R Pinner 18°. The delivery was so good that the MWS informed him that he was tasked to deliver it again at their next meeting at which there will be a Perfection…………

On completion of the Third Point the members retired to the Refectory to enjoy an excellent 3 course lunch. Once again excellent meeting and great company enjoyed by all.

Next meeting – Saturday 26th April 2025.
