St Ann of Malvern Chapter RC No 606

7 members of the Chapter plus 4 Visitors including the Inspector General and the District Recorder, met at Rainbow Hill on Tuesday 25th February 2025.

After singing the opening Hymn, the Most Wise Sovereign III Bro Maurice A Hume, 32°, Opened the Chapter and immediately offered his Baton & Chair to the IG. It came as no surprise when the IG politely declined the kind offer, and returned the Baton as quickly as he received it.

The MWS then gave a sincere and moving eulogy to III\Bro Allan J Laidlaw 32°, who sadly passed to the Grand Chapter Above just a few days prior to the meeting.

With no other nominations received and there being no request for a ballot, the MWS then declared III Bro Charles M K Dyer 32°, as the MWS for the ensuing year, and III Bro Sean P Warner 30°, Treasurer for the ensuing year.

The Inspector General then gave another of his interesting and informative talks reference our beautiful Order which was well received by all present, and provoked a thoughtful questions and answers session, leading into an open discussion reference the Chapter itself.

The Third Point was conducted by the MWS and everyone departed in peace and harmony.

The evening was relatively short but very, very enjoyable indeed.

Next meeting (Enthr) – Wed 7th May 25. 
