Tremendous Tuesday

Tuesday 11th February 2025 saw some 18 members of the District setting out for the Grand East, 14 of whom travelled by Coach from Henley in Arden, and the remainder travelling by their own means, to witness 5 members of the District being promoted to either the 31°or 30°.

The journey from Henley to London went extremely well despite having to avoid a severe accident on the M40. The Coach party and the other 4 members met at Mark Masons Hall where the District had laid on a soup & sandwich lunch and where the IG, with his usual generosity on such occasions, provided the wine.

The assembled company included 3 current and a Past Inspector General, V.˙.Ill.˙.Bro’s. Stephen Fowler (Warks), Nigel Bridges, (Gloucs & Heref), Dr. Richard N Hoare, and our own IG.

On completion of a generous and very satisfying lunch the party moved to No. 10 Duke Street to witness Ill.˙.Bro’s, Lindsay (Taff) Hill, Gordon Stacey and Stephen Wyer promoted to the 31st Degree.

Followed by Ill.˙.Bro’s Mark Hudson & Richard Nokes receiving their first promotions to the 30°.

Both ceremonies being conducted in a superb manner by the Most Puissant Sovereign Grand Commander and members of The Supreme Council.

On conclusion it was back to Mark Masons Hall to enjoy a high standard quality Dinner which concluded at 1900 hrs, and saw the weary travellers depart back to their original locations. The Coach party arriving back in Henley in Arden for 2120 hrs.

The Inspector General concluded by addressing the Coach Party, once again congratulating those promoted, and stated that he looked forward to visiting their respective Chapters to Propose their Higher Degree Toasts. 

It was, without doubt a memorable Ancient & Accepted Rite day for those promoted, and an enjoyable day out for those supporting.
