St Mary & All Saints Chapter RC No 688

On Thursday 30th January 2025, 13 members including the Inspector General, District Recorder and three other visitors were warmly welcomed to the Chapter. 

Prior to Opening the Chapter, The IG was escorted into the room by the Director of Ceremonies, III Bro V Fogarty 32°, and presented to the MWS. The MWS, III Bro C Hart 30°, invited the IG to accept the Baton and occupy the Chair and before the IG could answer said “I don’t know why I am giving you this Baton because I know I will get it straight back”. The IG however informed him “I am here here to enjoy myself this evening and hadn’t planned on doing ant work”!!! 

The MWS Opened the Chapter and confirmed the Minutes of the previous meeting. The MWS then demonstrated the Intermediate Degrees with a confident and word-perfect presentation.

On completion of the remainder of the Agenda, V Ill Bro Dr Richard N Hoare 33°, Former Inspector General, carried out the Third Point and the MWS then Closed the Chapter. 

Everyone retired to the Refectory to enjoy the accustomed high-quality Stourport Masonic Hall dinner, completing a super evening.

Next meeting (Enthronement) – Friday 30th May 2025. 
