Bordesley Abbey Chapter RC No 918

On Monday 27th January 2025, with only 8 members of the Order present including the Inspector General and 1 Visitor, the Chapter was opened at 1800 hrs by the MWS in the Chair, III\Bro Del Padmore 30°, who gave a full account for the lack of attendance and then welcomed the Inspector General to the meeting and proffered him the baton which he as usual declined.

With various members being placed into Office, including the Visitor as Prelate the Chapter was Opened and the initial usual administration conducted. 

The Inspector General was then invited to present his recently approved paper “Why did our Order remove the requirement of swearing Allegiance to the Trinitarian Faith?” This was very well received and prompted some interesting questions, and it was suggested that it should be made available to all the members of the District. The IG agreed he would talk with the DR and make suitable arrangements.

He ended his talk by referring to the request recently made to individual Chapters in the District regarding using the Nunc Dimittis as a Recessional Hymn after Closing. 

St. Luke’s Gospel Chapter 2 v25-29 refers:

“After Simeon had seen and held Jesus, he broke out in the song we still sing: “Lord, now You let Your servant depart in peace, according to Your Word. For my eyes have seen Your salvation which You have prepared in the sight of all people, a light for revelation to the Gentiles and for glory to Your people Israel.” 

The Doxology at the end is an expression of praise sung to the Holy Trinity: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit and is obviously as stated Trinitarian and therefore no longer approved.

The IG emphasised that given that we have just prior to Closing conducted the Third Point, forming a living circle of eternity and shared the goblet of fraternal friendship and fidelity and once Closed are moving to the Refectory to enjoy a social gathering, why would we want to end the Meeting singing a “song relating to death.”

The IG then presented a Supreme Council Certificate to E&P Bro Paul E Blackband-Hibbert in his usual erudite manner and welcomed him warmly into the Order, the District in General and Bordesley Abbey Chapter in particular.

The IG was thanked by the MWS in the Chair for all his work.

The MWS Declared the nominations for the MWS and Treasurer remaining in their respective Chairs for a further year. Unfortunately, neither were present.

The meeting was Closed following the Third Point but unfortunately there was no Refectory due to the small numbers in attendance.

Next meeting – Monday 28th April 2025.
