Gervase Paganel Chapter RC No 316

8 Members of the Chapter, 1 Visitor and the Inspector General attended the January Regular Meeting of the Chapter at the James S Webb Freemasonry Centre, Victoria Street, Stourbridge on Thursday 16th.

Prior to the main item on the Agenda a Ballot was taken for two Joining Members, who had become unattached following the Closure of St. Edmund King & Martyr Chapter: The Ballot  proved favourable, and they were duly welcomed into the Chapter. Unfortunately, due to work commitments only one was present.

There then followed by Declaration the election of the MWS and Treasurer both of whom thanked the Chapter for their confidence in response. 

The main business of the evening was the MWS conducting the explanation of the Collar, Jewel & Signs of the 18th Degree. It commenced with the IG conducting the Accolade prior to the explanation taking place and was done satisfactorily. It completed, other than the Installation of his Successor, all the necessary work required by the MWS.

On completion of the Third Point nine members retired to The Old Edwardian Club to enjoy a very convivial and tasty meal to end another meeting of a Chapter in this beautiful Order that we all enjoy.

Next meeting – Thursday 10th Apr 2025 (Enthronement).
